Friday, 13 February 2015

Productivity: The Brain Break

I'm a go-go-go kind of person — even when I don't need to be. I stress myself out over every task I take on. Along with that, I try to do everything at once. If I get stuck on one task, I go to the next one until I hit a roadblock, then bounce to another one, and another, and eventually I end up with a pile of roadblocks that lead to me staring at barely-touched Word documents on my computer screen and perusing social media for hours. Then, I come close to missing deadlines and terribly slapping together assignments just to get them done. My method of "getting stuff done" isn't really productive.

My close friends, family, and boyfriend try to convince me that my way really isn't the highway. The potholes in my road lead to a lot of tears and frustration. All of them keep saying the same thing.

"Take a break."

My excuse/response? "Haha! A break! There is no time for breaks. A break will put me behind."

Last Friday, the homework piled up for the weekend and the same panic settled itself in my gut. I reviewed the list and didn't know where to start. Then, the words of my friends and family crept back into my brain again.

"Take a break."

I opened my laptop and began revising an article for my journalism class. I stopped and felt my eyes glaze over looking at the screen instead of reorganizing my paragraphs. I was so tired after a full day of classes.

"Take a break."

I shut my laptop, called my boyfriend and to his excitement said "we're going on a date." I was going to take a break.

We enjoyed a late dinner at an all-you-can-eat sushi joint, then indulged in some carrot cake at Baked Expectations, and finally settled in and watched There's Something About Mary. Little did I know that this simple and relaxing date would result in the most productive day of my college career.

I woke up the next day, went out and took some photos for an assignment, came back to my desk and ploughed through three major assignments due the following week. I hate to admit it, but it looks like I was wrong.

If you're like me and refuse to delay your work and give your brain a break, stop it. You're not above rest. You're deserving of fun, and you are most definitely deserving of a clear head that allows you to work efficiently.

Take a walk, watch a movie, meet a friend for coffee. Anything. Take it easy. you'll thank yourself later.

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