I knew what was coming. The best and worst year of my life. I was excited to be pushed beyond my limits; to learn the secrets of the trade; to make new friends. We were thrown right into big assignments, strict deadlines, and a busy schedule.
A handsome young man, James, gave his number to me on a bus ride home. I texted the number and we went on a few dates, which then turned into spending every evening together doing homework. He quickly became my closest friend, then asked me to be his girlfriend.
I had to reduce the amount of shifts I had at work because school became so busy. This broke my heart because I love my job.
My new boyfriend dropped the L-Bomb ("I love you"). I freaked out. Two weeks later I returned the sentiment.
I received personal praise for an assignment from one of my instructors. After losing confidence in my writing skills, this gave me some more hope.
We covered the mayoral election at school, and I got to work election night from the comfort of my own workplace. It was fast-paced and fun and I was reassured working in a newsroom is what I want to do for life.

This month was a blur. I was running out of material and money for my blog (which used to be about thrifting).
I met my James' parents for the first time and fell in love with them.
I missed seeing my own parents.
I was an intern news editor at The Projector. It was a lot of fun, but maybe I'll stick to reporting for now.
I cried a lot. I was stressed about school. I'm always scared I won't hand things in on time, or do well on exams, but I always do and this was no exception.
I totalled my beloved CRV. A concussion from the crash stopped me from working some shifts over the holidays, which upset me because this was the time to make money to catch up on bills.
I got to go home for Christmas. It was nice to see family.
Going back to school was great. I liked the routine. I was scared of making new friends this time around though, since we were put into different sections. But I made some of the best friends ever — for life.
I wasn't doing well personally.
I wrote a blog post that received a lot of attention.
I realized James was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
I turned 22.
James and I went on a short road trip to Minneapolis for the long weekend.
I was on the radio to discuss struggles with body image, stemming from my popular blog post mentioned above. It helped me realize I could help people with my own experience.

I finally had wheels again, thanks to my parents. A beautiful, little burgundy Ford Focus. I felt free and independent again.
I won the Eric and Jack Wells Award for journalism excellence.
James and I got engaged. We are getting married in 2016.
My cat developed an aural hematoma. I couldn't afford surgery. So we put him on medication and the doctor said it should clear up in a month.

said I needed to do another unaffordable surgery. Two others said it would heal itself. So far, it is indeed healing itself and he now has an adorable floppy ear.
Classes are about to end. I'm so excited for summer, no homework, and sunshine. I am sad I won't see my friends/classmates everyday. I love them, and they make life exciting.
I'm so grateful for all my instructors have taught me, all the guidance they have given me, and all the fun they've provided for my classmates and I. I will forever be indebted to them.
We did it Bailey, we passed the first year :)