Friday, 17 April 2015

Dealing with a pet in pain

I love my cat. If you know me, there is no doubt about that (or if you've seen my previous blog post about him).

On Saturday, I noticed Eugene's ear was flopped over. I didn't think much of it, but upon further investigation I found a large bump on his inner ear that closed up the ear canal. I immediately panicked. It could be a tumour, cancer, or something deadly. This couldn't happen. He's not even two-years-old.

With some Googling, my fiancé and I discovered it was an aural hematoma, caused by some kind of trauma to the ear. This trauma results in a blood vessel bursting and filling up the space between the skin and cartilage with blood. We also read that the worst of it was yet to come.

My sister took Eugene to the vet the following day. The two options were a $700 surgery, or putting him on medication and letting his body heal itself. Since I couldn't afford the former, we were going to try the pills. The outcome of both treatments is the same. His ear will shrivel up and shrink due to muscle damage, and remain that way for life.

At first, I was heartbroken. I felt like a horrible pet parent for not being able to save Eugene from his injury. I felt helpless as I watched him shake his head in discomfort, trying to dislodge the blood balloon stuck inside his ear. I felt cruel shoving pills down his throat. I felt like I had failed him.

I now realize there is no way I could have prevented Eugene's condition. I am also grateful it wasn't something worse, like a life-threatening injury or disease. I am so thankful for Eugene's life and will cherish him for life — goofy looking ear or not.

It breaks my heart to see people part ways with their pet because owning it isn't what they expected. There's a reason they're called your forever friend when you adopt. Your pet relies on you, in sickness and in health. The least you can do is be there for it.

As for me, I'm going to go home and snuggle the crap out of my little Gene-er. Time is precious and I want to make the most of the time I've been given with this little guy.

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